Southampton Allotments and Gardens Association

If you would like to benefit from our trading sheds and various events, then why not become a member of SAGA? It won't break the bank at only £4.00 p/a (plus 10p share for new members)

There is more than one way to become a member:

 You can visit your nearest trading shed and ask the shed person for a membership form or download it directly.


 to print form below; highlight the whole form , select print,

 choose the option "print selection only", print)



Please print details

Full Name...............................................................................................................................................................................


........................................................................................Post Code..............................................................................

Telephone No.........................................................................................................................

E-mail address..............................................................................................................................

e-mail for Association use only - e.g.newsletters and updates

New membership / renewal  (delete as appropriate)

Do you have an allotment                                 YES / NO


Allotment Site......................................................................................

Plot No..........................................


I enclose my Membership fee of £4.10p  (£4.00 annual subscription fee plus 10p share payable on joining )

I agree to abide by the rules of the Association which are available at any SAGA trading shed or by application to the membership secretary.



Please return your completed application form to any SAGA trading shed or to the membership secretary -

175 Manor Farm Road Bitterne Park Southampton SO18 1NY

Membership is due for renewal at £4.00 on 1st October each year. 




Name......................................................................................Plot No..................Site.................................................................


Date Issued.....................................Issued by..........................................................................

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© Southampton Allotment and Gardens Association